Saturday, February 6, 2010

My two heart throbs...

My two wonderful kids. I'm really blessed to be their mommy....

Friday, February 5, 2010

City of lakes...

Benoni is known as the City of Lakes. We really do have a few around. It is just such a pity that most of them are covered in hyacinths. Most of the lakes look like lush green parks. The metro also doesn't seem too interested in getting rid of this invader!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

What a storm!

We had a terrible storm here last night. It was quick, but I don't think I've ever experienced such terrible wind. This is the result I discovered this morning in front of our neighbours' house. It is now close to 6pm, and the poor tree is still lying there.

This is the face that terrorises my dogs. Our neighbours' Boerboel pup of about 6 months. He's a real busybody it seems, peering over the wall all day long. His barking is driving me barking mad!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Still catching up...

Here are the next lot of pics. Not very interesting, I must add. Just all pics of stuff found in the garden. My eager & willing little helper, it seems, is more into macro photography. He looks for the smallest of small things (and bugs!!) for me to snap. The last pic looks like some or other miniature forest. It is actually moss growing on the ground. The others are just some flowers in the garden. The third pic is of a moonflower that will open any day now (I was told they bloom during full moon). They smell wonderful. Can't tell you what the others are as I haven't a clue.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Back at last!

It's good to be back on the net. My pc is purring like a kitten again and my cap has been reloaded. Yay!!!!
I'm just loading 3 pics tonight. Will bore you with the rest later.

This is what the overhead powercables outside our house looks like. It's no wonder my microwave doesn't work in winter!!!

The next two are from my garden. Rain, rain, rain and yes... more rain.